Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What Yonder Wind Do Blow

Now you feel it, the breeze, soft, driven, slow and glad, ala le new linguistic. It changes, this is the tempo, baa baa baa, rhymically acute and lyrically moot. This time will be different because the electorate expectorate projects as it protects, amid the shod and shrap-nel that gathers like the metaphorical steely knives that just can’t seem to kill the beast, and Barbarella’s gravity-defying turn ends up with “33 Variations” for Jane Fonda in 2009, Appomattox approximately 32 more than the fork is willing to poke.

In states where capital resides in capitol, discs by Beatles, Katy Perry, Coldplay, Varsity Fan Club and Johnny Otis (The Capitol Years) are the most beneficial. That’s an informal poll, but seems accurate. Maybe when Anthony Edwards is done whoopin’ it up on “ER” again he can scoot over to the set of sequined sequel “The Surer Thing” and make appearances. Dumping Shonda Rhimes with surgical precision is not a gray area, and even Bruce Springsteen to the rescue MUST AGREE that this just prolongs the inevitable beverage problem.

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