Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Entry #87
The last information translated for this cycle, man down, orifill, at long last our nation, awkward circles lazy drawn and heart still beating, aftermath of crash test economics and the leavening of the field so that all can suffice. Trodden down and ground bound lies strength to rise like bread and skyward dream anew and capture hearts of reason and marinate. Yer druthers. Say it now, this warbled waterfall skill set, this damp ode to the wayward manatee, this anklebot delirium treacled out onto colored wax paper and offered up to the royalty for theirWelch on the man and you’ve got subsystem antebellum carpe diem purple vellum and still no call on the gimmick trickery. Big bloated buckets of bailout the bilge of a bogus system that was broken to begin with. Fingertip-feel your way around the craggy business building edge as ledge of the market’s making, with profit taking the image shaking tool of King Woord the Wizzer. And Oliphant sizes up the casa! Burn both ends of your talking stick and bring new light commons to dusky nether region bickering on the streets of every new soul placard and taut minstrel sing-along and whoop-it-up hullabaloo eagle’s nest viewpoint, but what you see, what you see, WHAT YOU SEE MAN is the LAST TRUTH OF A SEVERELY COMPROMISED mindscape holding secret vita-elixir and bearing noiseless lossless quantifiable datastream, once more the given passage of minutes hours and centuries back to the centaurs and not one damn lookyloo or common magpie or lurker whatsoever call or submit and don’t go gentle peacetime mannikin go up beyond your station and cross each path with renewed vim and preternatural whigmaleerie and mock encomium and tepid raves of sanguine nature and woo invective unnreving and enfeebled but BRINGING OUT and VETTING FORTH that last quivering gasp of pock-marked and pebbled verity. Run it to the vestals and limb from limb detach dissect deny and the deep deepity deepest analysis and bold hearty shimmering broth of the sipping sanctuary where BEASTS ARE CAST ASUNDER and FIRST COME FIRST BURNED so light grasshopper rice paper impressions and scramble forth like some mint proof grenade ready for the blowing and scattered shards of wind that come to rest in this and many other dominions. Bastion that cross-rererencing the Perspius Perspective in linear and aereal degrees. That one cure would benefit the mulled massive took flight in tropes and ideas like trees that sprout prosaic branches, filtered sunlight orange and citrus right, given outstance and proper heritage, I saw farther than those who circled camp on pony. We bear this circus gladly, as clenched grin and happy thought parades distill the essence of happy being, having cloud breath, bonding nimbly, cooking with pan-reduced stress, shuffling bum steer through the stables of pungent then-time, folly gauze and lilac spritz, neon clogs and lightning-fast read flexes, and jolly time, drawn coordinates and the lash, after-dinner warmth figs, lollypoppers and camo gear, lift your head and bob once for limbless, horrendous ships that sail on solar wind for years on end, and here comes one, FLOATING DOWN on this wondrous CLOUD OF ANTI-HATE AND WARMNUB illustrious foretaste for the near ahead.