Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Approximate Weight in Layers

Wherein the principles of dissection provide such cross-sections as for the examination in remedial study of pig, shark, even cat, would someone please have the decency to render a system that would more accurately calculate our human weight in terms of the layer, not cake, nor red velvet, cross pieces like Biesty and such with cows in the New York art museums. Flavinoid tip of the waggy-dog hat to the blossom top rant that cleft the flower enigma, chipped dry by the powers that once would cherish it.

To redress, embrace, retrace, and ultimately project, we must first form a vertical hierarchy allowing for film and TARE discrepancies in layer weight. Thinly-sliced and packed with genetic information, crimes will unfairly be measured by the weight of the whole sample and not just the DNA weight, adding to lengthy jail times. I have told this to half a dozen of the country’s top people, and they misrepresent their presentation of this information to the nation’s capital. But if they know it, and I know they do because I told them, why aren’t they telling me as a citizen about it? Because I already know it? Wetzelclog and LittleWerbBoy will tell you the same.

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