Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Veiled Ouroboros Vs. The Blessed Sacrament

When up top, down below. When left below, wear lifts. When scooted left, spout Rush. When nudged right, Colmes poem. When thrust far, arrive near. When coaxed near, pan far. Got boots, scoff sandals. Doff sandals, das boot. When approached with red, counter green. When swallowed by blue, orange you glad for upheaval. And when usurped by purple, don’t be yeller.

Shreemp dinner for four, modern banter pallette, we confused honor for dolorous dip depth dyspeptic pawner, a return on investment parlayed into a consistent whole of reason, logic and trite theorem. The original systems adhere to a line of curvature so encumbered with the mass of through-finite time that obsolescence was a given from the start. But have a heart, ye stalwart mulligan, this populace swept up in a crud cake of greed bears nil resemblance to ethereal ideal. Whoop whoop, there’s woe in them Jimmycakes!

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