Friday, December 12, 2008

Commerce Bleeds Like a Thick Syrupy Bronze

Deep encoded in the little seeping brains the germ of a germ in diminutive sprout terms the smallest of small but hardly theoretical, a first cause style pro-thrust in being that locomotes the heliotropic chain of which I bear witness as a current link. In finer form MikkaKat tends garden and MikeMaynurd tells tales of monk chivalry. HarHaarHaruka spins gold from mustard gone to seed and Lescow and CupolaJoe hark the herald angels bee sting.

You’ll find no solace for the cold corrosive now. Yet each passing noggin brings new perimeter statistics to the bean-counters of yore, yar, I be pirate? Drill down to the wording of the content and you’ll clearly see that the pretext outweighs the message and the imbalance can be weighed in metric tonnage. Foster these concerns, the absolute, the façade, the regal dressings of a ripe faux reality. And then, schism.

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