Monday, December 29, 2008

Glimpsing Intimation Overtones

He just goes crazy, and she’s about the worse for wear for the tenth effin’ time, and I remember the rolls, plinking, making noises I could not or would not make on the piano, but from time to time yes, it was worth a bleeding rap to all knuckles to make the sound of a C chord.

Vibration is the heart of this, the buzz cosmic fluid living all things tiny and tall, and reappropriate and stretch the resources and the fabric of finite until it draws together again, once and forever a friend of the fierce but loving void, the black whole embrace and ol’ collider.

Tapped though not up to the task, I leave it to be parsed by the best and word wonder that some better part of those most important snips are successfully transported via webglob and sticky web understanding to the viewer in part or whole so that to carry on with new knowing.

And still so more, but time skint, word economy, space considerations, lash etiquette, no safe word, reticulate mongrel, old-time maneuvers to confront a new-fangled and thoroughly foggy now, parse the tips, lovely things, tip-toe to the outer reaches of Campbell’s astral clues.

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