Monday, December 29, 2008

Rolling Outages of Intended Spiritual Consequence

When we gathered, it was understood. Why do you now not understand? Why can you not see the resulting dark, a chasm of deep personal choice, a dearth of conscience in an anti- (or con) science world? We saw Stein’s money as comedy, and now as dunces go he’s creation’s finest. What do you not feel sinking in, seeping into the cortex as you “read”? Let’s call you Synapse Jones. Now Jonesy say, “Synapse is some big leafy verbiage, Sarge. Where’d da nexus go?” And Sarge, well he’s not so well. He’s not even there, really. He might have been once, but tourniquet and partial habilitation and such and now no. Puff the neurotransmitter.

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