Friday, October 24, 2008

Droppin' Rhymes Like Svengali Drop Bisquit

Baffled truly, like a Renaissance rat in a race to the Finnish, and by this I mean to say it hasn’t been easy to reveal in pieces parts the joie de Aqua Viva that concentrates like nanosubstrate in certain brain sectors, Jonesy. Jonesy’s drowning was a mishap folks, but there is direct lineage truthful details strung delicately like gossamer from the UK to the US, or the distance between Hartford, Sussex and Seattle, Washington, divided by the 9,042 days between July 3, 1969 and April 5, 1994. BJ’s 9,987 beat KC’s 9,906 by 81. That is to say that Will Ferrell’s W. brought welcome respite, Denny’s return to “Grey’s” has no bearing on the subject, and Jennifer Hudson is too much to bear today.

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