Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tittle, Y.A.

Pillowshanks grabbed studiously, then retracted a statement as shrill as the driven show. I am loyal to a certain transparency--Kodak AND Kodiak--and the reality here is a sharp distant to Chuck Woolery’s tomfoolery. This business digests and spits like some tinseltown duodenum, and packing double-barrel insult to injury (i.e. “in jury,” judgment) is the mindful NBC “Chuck” passing Nicole Richie as thesp instead of just a pest. Hello? Is it me you’re looking for? Trachea malodorous malcontent auspicious jejunum lenient farthing happenstance nook.

Don’t worry little mindscape; Dubya’s only looking for the remnants of the Kyoko Protocol in the snow. Again, the raw truth rears itself with One Day as a Lion, lambs be damned. ESA might revive E3 but could just as easily kill it. The Tropicana can’t have its casino back but here, please accept this complimentary orange juice. Jen Aniston stunt-casting insures “30 Rock” is dragged down by the stone, Floyd-style. Palatino and Brecht do not mix, even if Sigourney Weaver is involved.

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