Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Funk Revelation #49

The powers-that-buzz-in tell me (shell me) that the James Gang rode again in a concert tour in 2006. Oh really? What about the Eagles then, because I know they played out but didn’t see it. But the James Gang, that’s a pie-faced lie designed to get me to come out of here and it ain’t working. And then I suppose Can is reunited too? Or Bubble Puppy or whatever that band is. And by this I mean to say we have moved forward, into a morass of thick-tar fo’shnizzle that sings a solemn tune of no-pence comeuppance turning beauty into the azure drip of some ersatz neoprine scene. Buck unkempt ideology and grip fantastic those shards of reason built to shred the waving nylon walls of deceit. And Shrineology—the “ology” of shrines.

Froot-tootin’ froot-tootin’! Magnum buck and mavericks, truly parted split like low seam and partly recoiled for three full measures.

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